The making of one design sails

The making of one design sails

Found this little video on YouTube.

I hope you find it an insight of what goes into the manufacture of your sail.

Click here: The Making of one design sails

One-design is a form of racing where all boats are virtually identical or similar in design.

Class-legal boats race each other without any handicap calculations, start at the same time, and the winner is the first to cross the finish line.

There are more than 150 actively raced one-design classes in the UK. The classes range from eight-foot Optimist dinghies to the 12 Meter sailboats and beyond.

One-design classes  are broken down into fleets that are located at yacht clubs and community sailing programs. Club or fleet racing takes place on a regular basis all over the country, and many fleets welcome newcomers. Contact your local yacht club or community program to get involved in one-design sailing and ask for the name of the fleet captain(s).

I am the fleet slow fleet captains at Ripon Sailing club in North Yorkshire.

Find out more about fleets and classes sailed at Ripon Sailing Club at one design fleets, Ripon Sailing Club