Wetherby - North Yorkshire - Telephone: 0776 467 9449 - Email: info@outdoorsewingsolutions.co.uk
Outdoor Sewing Solutions has invested in a Longarm sewing machine that will do stitch in...
Caravan awning extensions & reductions Awning extension and reductions Anti-wicking threads keep seams from leaking....
From Concept to Consumer."We've got the outdoors sewn-up"Teepee - Yurt - Bell Tent 2016: OSS built...
Canvas Cleaning for Caravan awning, tents and sails Trees, birds, seaspray, car exhaust, mould and...
And so the 2016 Northern Travellers Series ends as it began. In the Lake District...
http://www.isabella.net/uk/support/tips/cleaning–maintenance-and-repair LEAKS – AQUATEX If the waterproofing quality of the canvas has been affected, the...
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